You might have suffered a burn injury in a house fire caused by defective holiday lighting or a fire at your local grocery store. The burn injury could have happened for some other reason. Whatever the cause may be, if it resulted from an accident that occurred due to negligence, you could have grounds for a lawsuit. There are various different types of evidence used in a burn injury case, and each type will help build a stronger case.
At McEwen Law, we help burn victims regularly. We know the potential long-term consequences of this kind of injury and the extensive treatment required so victims can recover. This treatment takes a lot of time and a lot of money. If another’s carelessness has harmed you, we’ll help you obtain all the compensation you deserve.
To do that, however, we will need to gather rock-solid evidence on your behalf. Here’s some information on the evidence that could be essential to your case. Get in touch to schedule a free case review by contacting us online or calling (800) 732-3070.
Personal Photos and Videos of the Aftermath and Injury
It’s asking a lot for you to take pictures and/or videos of your injuries. But if you can do so, those pictures could majorly impact your case. They’ll provide compelling evidence of how badly you’ve been injured and could help you obtain substantial compensation.
Photos and Videos from Security Cameras
If you suffered a burn injury in a car or workplace accident, there’s a good chance that a security camera caught the accident. The camera could have been located at a convenience store near where your car wreck happened or where you work. Your attorney will work to obtain that footage to show exactly how the accident took place.
Witness Statements
The statement of a witness can also be powerful. Their testimony could show you suffered an injury because some other person or entity was negligent. If you know someone who saw what happened, try to get their name, email address, and phone number. You won’t have to interview them – get their contact information, and your attorney will handle the rest.
Expert Witnesses
Expert witnesses can make your case even more robust. These professionals have a deep knowledge of specific aspects of a personal injury case. The following are just a few examples:
- Accident reconstruction experts – As the name implies, this type of expert reconstructs accidents to show how they happened. Accident reconstruction experts use physical evidence, accident reports, sophisticated computer models, and other tools. In a car accident case, for instance, they will use these tools to determine how fast the vehicles were going, the impacts the drivers and other occupants felt, and more.
- Mechanical experts – A mechanical expert typically has an extensive technical or engineering background. They can testify whether a defective product contributed to an accident and then show how that happened in an easy-to-understand fashion.
- Medical experts – Doctors and other medical professionals also serve as expert witnesses. They use their real-life experience to explain an injury’s severity and the treatment a victim will need. Medical experts may assess the victim’s condition to determine what kind of care they’ll need – not only now but also potentially well into the future.
- Economic experts – If you’ve suffered an injury that’s so serious you won’t be able to work for a long time, your attorney may bring in an economic expert to help prove your lost wages. Economic experts can show your current lost wages and the money you will lose in the future should you not be able to return to your job.
Medical Documentation
You probably don’t feel like doing much more than just resting and recovering from your horrible injury. That’s understandable. But it would help if you kept every piece of paper associated with your medical treatment, which means keeping every bill, prescription, and doctor’s note.
There’s a chance the insurance company of the at-fault party may try to obtain your past medical records to see if your current injury is linked to a past one you might have suffered. But an attorney will work to ensure your privacy is protected and that the insurer only has limited access to your medical history.
Police Reports
If you were in an accident and you or someone else called the police, the officer who arrives at the scene will investigate to see how it happened. The resulting report the officer issues will be critical to your case, and your attorney will get a copy to help determine the best strategy.
How Will McEwen Law Firm Use Evidence to Build a Strong Case?
The officer won’t be the only one conducting an investigation, however. Your attorney will launch one as well. They’ll look for every piece of evidence that shows not only what caused the accident but also provides you with the strongest case possible. This is one of the most important ways in which a skilled lawyer can be of assistance.
But that investigation needs to begin as quickly as possible, so you need to hire an attorney as soon as possible. You’ll want to do this before potentially essential evidence disappears for good.
Contact us to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Following Your Burn Injury Accident
The McEwen Law Firm attorneys have won many cases similar to yours. If you want to learn more, schedule a free consultation by calling (800) 732-3070 or using our online contact form. While we won’t be able to make any promises regarding the outcome of your case, we can promise one thing – no other law firm will work any harder to achieve a favorable outcome on your behalf.