When people think of construction accidents, the first thing that usually comes to their minds is falling from height. This isn’t really surprising since many construction projects nowadays are focused on skyscrapers and other high-rise structures. However, it’s important to note that getting injured from falls is not the only thing that workers should be worried about they’re also at risk for construction explosion burns.
These burn injuries can be caused by several factors, and they usually take place when employees work on common but dangerous tasks. We’ve listed some of them below.
Welding usually involves an open flame or an open electrical arc and creates sparks and high amounts of heat both of which can cause fires and possible construction explosion burns?if they come in contact with the right materials. Because of this, it’s important to bring the object to be welded to a place without any fire hazards. If this is not possible, workers and employers should remove all movable fire hazards from the area where welding would take place. Shields should be used to cover fire hazards that could not be moved and confine the heat and sparks within a small area.
Welding is one of the most dangerous construction jobs and also one of the biggest contributors to burn injuries on construction sites. In India, for example, a welder who was working inside a vertical tunnel that was eight meters underground died when a fire broke out in the tunnel. The cause of the fire was not really clear, although his fellow workers blamed the construction company for not providing them with safety equipment. The welder suffered from serious burn injuries that covered 90 percent of his body and led to his immediate death.
Electrical work
Construction companies usually have their own electricians or hire electrical subcontractors, who are responsible for installing the structure’s electrical system and ensuring they integrate well with the overall design. Because of the nature of their job, these workers are constantly at risk of getting electrocuted and incurring electrical burns.
However, electricians are not the only ones who can get burned. Construction workers who work at height are exposed to high-voltage power lines, and these can cause electrocution and electrical burns when workers torsos or limbs come into contact with them. Burns and electrocution can also happen when workers indirectly touch the wires through ladders and other tall objects.
Workers don’t even need to touch electrical wires, tools, and equipment to incur burns. Because of their electrical nature, these items can let out electrical charges, which can cause electric shocks and ignite flammable materials nearby. These, in turn, can lead to electrical burns and thermal burns, respectively.
Other Situations
Even when construction workers are not doing anything, they are still exposed to accidents and burns simply because they’re at a construction site. This is particularly true if the site is not well-maintained and/or the managers and owners don’t adhere to safety policies.
Most construction sites have glues, solvents, paint, paint thinner, wet cement, cleaning supplies, and other things that are made of strong chemicals, and they can cause workers to develop chemical burns. Many of these substances are also flammable, and they can cause fires and explosions and lead to serious construction explosion burns when exposed to heat and electrical sparks.
Arc flashes are another factor that can cause burn injuries. They are powerful currents that come from power lines as well as power tools, generators, and other machines, and they increase the temperature in the air as they travel through it. Arc flashes can heat air up to 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit and therefore can cause deadly burns to anyone in the vicinity in just a few seconds.
If you have incurred construction explosion burns, contact McEwen Law Firm and let us help you get the compensation you deserve for your injury.
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