Every car, motorcycle or truck accident carries with it the risk of a potentially horrible explosion, causing severe injuries or death. All of these vehicles carry combustible fuel and other liquids, and are made of components that can sometimes burn. When you have that kind of combination, and two or more vehicles collide, the results can be catastrophic.
If you’ve suffered a severe injury in an explosion stemming from an accident caused by the negligence of another driver, or some other party, such as a negligent manufacturer, you’ll need the help of a skilled attorney. The McEwen Law Firm is ready to provide the expert legal representation it will take for you to have the best possible chance of obtaining full and fair compensation.
You’re going through an incredibly painful, incredibly stressful experience. You shouldn’t have to do this alone. Our firm has achieved significant victories on behalf of our clients, and we may be able to do the same for you. Learn more about us by contacting us online or calling (800) 732-3070 for a free, no obligation review of your case.
What Causes Vehicles to Explode?
The impact of a collision can be unbelievable. Vehicles that crash together – especially at high speeds – are typically torn apart in the process. When this happens, it doesn’t take much for all of the combustible components to ignite, and possibly explode.
There’s a scientific explanation as to why explosions occur as the result of a vehicular accident – the principle of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, or BLEVE for short. Basically, a vehicle is filled with different types of liquid that are under an immense amount of pressure. These include not only fuel, but also oil, AC refrigerant, and more. If any of these liquids get to a temperature that exceeds their boiling point, that will cause them to explode.
Fires and explosions can also occur due to manufacturer defects, such as a faulty fuel tank, improper wiring, or a defective battery. There have even been instances where a vehicle’s airbags exploded prematurely, resulting in severe injuries and fatalities.
Types of Injuries Associated with Vehicle Fires and Explosions
The most common injury associated with a fire and resulting explosion is, of course, a burn. Burn injuries are classified in “degrees.” The worse the burn, the higher the degree. These include the following:
- First-degree burn. When people escape an explosion and fire with a first-degree burn, they can consider themselves extremely lucky – to say the least. This type of burn damages the epidermis, the outer layer of skin. It will eventually heal completely in most instances.
- Second-degree burn. This burn goes deeper into the skin. It’s a very painful type of injury, and it also poses the risk of infections and other complications.
- Third-degree burn. A third-degree burn will destroy all affected layers of skin, leaving it charred and blackened. It also carries the risk of an infection that could potentially be deadly.
- Fourth-degree burn. This not only reaches all levels of the skin, it can even get deep enough to permanently damage nerves, muscles and even bones. The victim will typically be left without any feeling in the areas that have suffered damage.
The worse the burn, of course, the more extensive treatment will be needed. This can involve multiple surgical procedures to place skin grafts on the burned areas of the body. The level of pain involved can only be described as excruciating, with the intravenous administration of powerful medications often necessary.
Can Vehicle Explosions Cause Death?
Explosions can lead to not only severe burns, but also other types of catastrophic injuries. They can turn parts of a vehicle into missiles, destroying anything in their path. Tragically, this will sometimes result in a fatality. There’s no amount of money, of course, that could ever properly compensate for the loss of a loved one. However, a wrongful death lawsuit may help surviving family members find justice, and obtain compensation that could help offset the financial impacts of that loss.
How to Recover Damages for Your Injuries or a Loved One’s Passing
Whether you’ve suffered a severe injury, or you’ve experienced the tragic loss of a loved one, you’re having to deal with financial losses, known as “damages” in legal terms. In order to recover compensation for those damages, you’re going to need to provide evidence that proves the negligence of others. If you can’t do this, then you won’t be able to receive any money.
This is one of the many reasons why you’re going to need the help of a skilled attorney, one who can perform a thorough investigation into why the accident took place. The faster you hire a legal representative, the better. If you wait, vital evidence could disappear.
Types of Damages You Can Recover
There are two main types of damages that you may be able to obtain – economic and non-economic.
Economic damages are usually fairly simple to prove. You just need to be able to produce the necessary documentation. These damages include medical expenses, such as your hospital and doctor bills, as well as bills for any prescription medications. They also include lost wages, since you can’t work due to the severity of your injuries. All you need to do is to produce pay stubs showing how much you make. If you will no longer be able to work due to your injury, your attorney may also be able to obtain compensation for future lost earnings.
Non-economic damages are more subjective, and harder to prove as a result. They include pain and suffering, as well as emotional and mental trauma.
Contact McEwen Law Firm for a Free Case Evaluation
Please get in touch with a vehicle accident attorney with the McEwen Law Firm as soon as you can. We will investigate the cause of your accident, and identify all potentially liable parties. While our team will work to help you obtain a fair settlement from the negligent driver’s insurance company, we’ll also be ready to take your case to court if needed.
Contact us online or give us a call at (800) 732-3070 for a free consultation.