A chemical burn accident can occur when you’re exposed to substances that are harsh enough to irritate or damage tissues. These include strong acids or bases (alkalines) such as: ammonia, car battery acid, teeth whitening products, and denture cleaners, as well as any chemical that’s used in manufacturing and other industries like lye, lime, and silver nitrate.
The most commons signs of these burns include a number of symptoms. They can include blackened skin as well as pain, redness, irritation, numbness, or a burning sensation at the affected area. The type and severity of symptoms of chemical burns, as well as the treatment required for them, depend on the type of chemical you were exposed to, its amount and concentration, the location of the burn, and many other factors.
Types of Chemical Burns
Chemical burns can be categorized according to the extent of the injury that the victim has incurred. A superficial burn (also called first-degree burn) affects only the epidermis, which is the topmost layer of the skin. A partial thickness injury (also called second-degree burn) affects the epidermis as well as the dermis, which is the second layer of the skin. A full thickness injury (also called third-degree burn) affects the subcutaneous tissue, which is the third layer of skin, along with the dermis and epidermis.
Who’s at Risk?
Harsh chemicals can be found almost anywhere, a chemical burn accident can happen at home, at work, or at school. In residential areas, older adults, little children, and people with physical disabilities are at higher risk of getting chemical burns since they have limited mobility and are prone to mishandling chemicals. At school, students who work with chemicals in science labs are also at risk of a chemical burn accident.
People who handle chemicals as part of their work are likewise at risk of getting chemical burns. This is particularly true for those who use chemicals to manufacture pharmaceutical products and other types of goods. This is also the case for those who use strong substances to provide a service to clients. Professions such as plumbers who use drain products and domestic cleaners who use disinfectant products. Workplaces where improper equipment, techniques, and storage methods can also expose employees to a chemical burn accident.
Get a Burn Injury Lawyer
If you have been involved in a chemical burn accident, especially one where you were not at fault, contact us here at McEwen Law Firm. We have a team of skillful and experienced burn injury attorneys. Our offices have handled numerous chemical burn cases and helped clients obtain the compensation they deserved. We will assist you in filing your claim and ensure you’ll get the compensation that you deserve!
One of the best things about hiring McEwen Law Firm is that we work on a contingency, so we will not charge you any fee until we win your case. This allows you to focus on getting better and regaining your health instead of worrying about legal fees. Give us a call today to learn more about our services and find out how we can help you!
Serving clients in the: Minnesota Area including Minneapolis, Minnesota, St Paul, Twin Cities, Bloomington, and throughout the United States. Hennepin County, Carver County, Wright County, Scott County, Dakota County, Anoka County, Washington County, and Ramsey County.